About Us

Everything started from the fantasy of the beautiful pistachio gardens of Anar, a small town located at the northwest of Kerman province, whose famous product is pistachio. We at Takin Dasht khoshkbar Jonub Company were looking to produce products that, besides representing the quality and authenticity of our city’s products, could include more diverse tastes with the aid of innovations in the food industry. For this purpose, the Happichoo brand was created in 1400 to be a decent representative for traveling to international markets, relying on the support of several hundred years of pistachio cultivation in the gardens of Anar city. Happichoo brand products are processed based on high-quality and original nuts and try to put a smile of satisfaction on your face with the pleasant experience of a hearty taste.

Happichoo is trying to share the joyful experience of a desirable taste with our loved ones by relying on the authenticity and quality of the pistachios of this region, and in this way, it employs the latest and most advanced technology of the food industry and expert staff.

Happichoo’s mission is to develop different products based on diverse Nuts of good quality. Along with the commitment to produce tasty and healthy products, it is important to us how you receive Happichoo products. We try to be creative and innovative in this matter and consider the attention we think our audience deserves in the quality of the packings

As Happichoo is based on the yield of a local product and tries to create new experiences from an original and ancient product, it has also benefited from the valuable local human capital and we are happy to announce that it has a share in the development of employment in the region.